A new beginning again # 2


Welcome to the blog I as the one person running Torodd Fuglesteg Publishing will now use to update anyone interested in 

Yes, I know..... I am speaking about myself and Torodd Fuglesteg Publishing in 3rd person. A sure sign of insanity and an ambulance is patiently waiting for me to voluntary go with them to the nearest mental asylum.

That is not true but I like that joke.

Truth is that I am not sure where to take Torodd Fuglesteg Publishing, less than one day into the establishment of this organization. 

Months ago, I have asked several other potential local authors if they wanted to join me in a company called White Cart Publishing. There was some non commital noises coming my way.

I then spent all my days and nights on one novel, now released. 

After 3 novels and a more biographical book, and finding writing books too much of a pleasure, I found out I needed a platform and an organization behind my books.

My website www.toroddfuglesteg.com was a horrible mess. So I decided to set up a Wiz page and got myself buried in a heap of templates. Ditto for One.com before I found out that I was best served with a HTML re-work of  www.toroddfuglesteg.com.

I do not intend to throw money at it either but I liked the Wiz logo so much that I paid £ 17 for it. 

And then I tried and failed to get access to my old author blog. The one I updated in 2015 when announcing a book I then abandoned. It was to be called Down The River From Erskine Bridge. 

Parts of this book has been used in another one of my novels. Or I may revisit it on a later date and make the idea into a novel.

But before that again, I printed up some copies of the Fragments Of Peter Svarttjern's Saga novel. 


The feeling of having my own novel printed made me immense proud and it is still one of the proudest days in my life. I almost got a heart attack....

Strange thing is that I still feel I am Peter Svarttjern as I lived myself so much into his life that it mirrored my own life at times.

I have no plans to do any prints of the novels I am am doing. It is too pricey and I cannot see any market for these paperbacks.

Releasing my debut novel The Final Ride, full of flaws at it was back then (now fixed), was one of the best days in my life.

You see..... being an author was my dream since I was 7 years old. By releasing The Final Ride, and later Fragments Of Peter Svarttjern's Saga, I fulfilled my dream. Not many can say they have fulfilled their wildest dreams. I am one of them.

The Adventures Of A Nobody was more to clean up www.toroddfuglesteg.com and get my tours, as insignificant as they were, presented in a more orderly order. It was my intent to close down the mess that my website was at that time.

My website has now been made into my author website and will hopefully be joined by other local authors. Links will be placed.

I am intending to update this author blog when I have something to report. I dearly want to Amazon Kindle publish more novels and there will be another blog post later today with the type of updates this blog will be used for.

In the meantime, stay safe and hide behind the sofas in these Covid 19 times.


Torodd Fuglesteg









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