Updates January 2021 and my book ideas
We are on the tenth day of the year and I also have a full time job and a pretty poor health I need to sort out. Nevertheless, my plans is to have released my fifth book or being close to release my fifth book sometimes this fall.... October/November/December 2012. The project closest to my heart now is named The Arkleston Court Serenade. What, would you say. OK, Arkleston Court was a high rise block of flat built in 1970 and demolished in 2013 or thereabout. I live pretty close to it and I knew some of the guys there. The Arkleston Court Serenade will take us through seven days in the life of an old father who has just lost his lifelong partner as she passed on. His wish is to put a gravestone on her grave. This in between having to deal with a very demanding drug dealing son in prison, another son who is financially struggling down in England and the drug overdose dead daughter. It is a peeling an onion novel... or that is my idea. Another idea and I have done some interv...